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产品展示 > 德国SICK(施克)编码器 > SICK接近开关 > WS/WE100-P3439德国西克迷你型光电开关 |
•轻巧、抗震动、耐高温 onal 1% vom Messwert +/- 3 mm/s
Reproduzierbarkeit 0,5 %
Can be freely set in the range of
0.1 to 3000 ml/pulse in
measuring tube is empty.
Programmable output of 0 V or 24 V when a preset
Genauigkeit 2) 2% (vom Endwert)
threshold is exceeded or not reached.
stages of 0.1 ml/pulse, npn or pnp
Programmable output of 0 V or 24 V during
max. load 18 ... 30 V / 100 mA.
Programmable output of 0 V or 24 V when
blue GND Supply ground: 0 V
(dependent on set measuring area)
Auflösung 0,003 l/min 0,006 l/min
0,012 l/min 0,03 l/min
•可选带自学习功能的模拟量接口 Digital output Q1
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