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产品展示 > 德国Pepperl+Fuchs倍加福 > P+F传感器 > 德国倍加福槽形传感器,NJ5-11-N-G-0,5M-V1 |
tion with quick-action clamping lock
for glass iber optics,
IO-Link interface,
infrared light, push-pull output, M8 plug
符合标准 产品标准 EN 60947-5-2:2007
Robust fiber optic sensor
检测距离 on black (6 %): up to 55 mm
on Kodak white, refl
ection factor 90% up to 160 mm
with LLR 04-1.6-0.5-WC3 fiberoptic cable
Aluminum housing with
high-quality Delta Seal coating
信号输出 2 路互补型推挽式输出,
Robust fiber optic sensor
Easy fiber optic installa
for reliable operation under all condition
IO-link interface
for service and process dat
与标准和规范体系的*性 指令符合
Adjustable continuous sensitivity
EMC 指示 2004/108/EC EN 标准 60947-5-2:2007
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