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产品展示 > BALLUFF(巴鲁夫)传感器 > BALLUFF传感器 > BALLUFF迷你型光电传感器要求,BES 516-377-G-E5-C-S49 |
BALLUFF迷你型光电传感器要求,BES 516-377-G-E5-C-S49
er to detect matching characteristics, thereby elim
two tests is also easy. The re
ason is thatthis monitor
multilingual user interface intuitive
时间功能时长脉冲1...1000 ms或无穷
this monitor allows the case without a comput
EN 624712008检查次数,zui大 20
BALLUFF迷你型光电传感器要求,BES 516-377-G-E5-C-S49
测量工作电流Ie 100 mA
inating the need for time-consuming ad
测量工作电压Ue DC 24.0 V
电压降Ud,zui大 (在Ie下) 1.8 V
附加输出端 触发输出PNP
工作电压UB,zui大,DC [V] 26.0 V
工作电压UB,zui小,DC [V] 22.0 V
接口 以太网10/100 Base T
开关功能 常开触点开关输出 PNP (3x) 连接方式 插接器
justment operations. At the same time, switch between the
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